About Wendy

I am a multidimensional Light Language linguist and guide born and raised in the Chicago suburbs along the Great Lake Michigan shores, I worked, raised two sons, retired, and by 11th month of 2011 my conscious awakening went into full bloom. Growing up singing and fully believing that I was able to speak with angels, ancestors, nature, animals and beings beyond the stars, I have always deeply felt the Universal harmony and inter-connectedness of all things.

​Upon following a holistic / spiritual path and practicing meditation, I found the ability of energetic self-healing; however, my journey “Seriously” began after finding channelings from Bashar which lead me to discover the Sassani / Shakani races and their Sirius Sacred Circuits, activating memories deep within me and igniting my awareness of my life-long psychic abilities and multidimensional connections. Once I began asking the Universe where to meet like-minded individuals, I came across the Human Colony (Hucolo) channeling community in its beginning days and became a founding member of the community. This reconnected me with members of my Soul Tribe and propelled me to begin helping others become aware of their multidimensionality, too.

Soon after, I was telepathically contacted by the Elohim and the Emissaries of the Light Collective (a collective consciousness of countless Beings aligned with Source Light, spanning all dimensions, densities, & parallel realities – endearingly abbreviated as “Emili”), and I began channeling intentionally for the first time.

My awareness and remembrance of these Divine connections guided me to activate and begin using Light Languages, learning from my Guides how we can apply them in daily life for profound shifts in the experience of reality.

I has since remembered my Soul Purpose of illuminating planetary consciousness by activating the Teachers of the Teachers.

​I receive information through all forms of channeling, depending on what the situation calls for energetically. I communicate timeless celestial information through the Universal Light Languages by speaking, singing, hand signing and scribing Light Codes to guide myself and others in re-igniting their Divine Light.

I have learned from my Guides the importance of connecting with nature to expand multidimensional awareness and innate abilities. This especially includes connecting with the Elementals, Nature Spirits, and Animal Collectives which facilitates our cosmic connections with the Hybrid Children and our parallel aspects guiding us from other realms. Strengthening my connection to nature is how I have established conscious contact with the Hybrid Children and remembered, as a Hybrid Mother, volunteering to also be a First Contact Specialist for humanity as we meet our Star Families again.

I am determined, through guidance as a Galactic Shamanic Ambassador, to tie these multidimensional threads of Science & Spirituality together during this incredible shift to higher consciousness happening on Earth.

I love sharing these gifts and insights through videos, events, classes, and private consultations.